How to stop Russian science collapse and increase its efficiency

Review Article

  • Alexander Valyaev

Nuclear Safety Institute Russian Academy of Sciences. Tulskaya, Moscow, Russia.

*Corresponding Author: Alexander Valyaev

Citation: Alexander Valyaev, How to stop Russian science collapse and increase its efficiency, J Journal of Clinical and Medical Case Reports and Reviews V(2)I(2).

Copyright: © 2022 Andrew Hague, This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Received: June 02, 2022 | Accepted: June 23, 2022 | Published: June 26, 2022


shortcomings in the organization of homeland science and education are analyzed, and ways to overcome them from the standpoint of the Russian Federation (RF)national security.

Keywords: dissertation pipeline, falsifications, pseudoscience, emptying of the state treasury. Designations RF-Russian Federation RAS -Russian Academy of Sciences DISCON – Dissertational conveyor. DISSOV -Dissertation Councils .


RF-Russian Federation

RAS -Russian Academy of Sciences

DISCON – Dissertational conveyor. 

DISSOV -Dissertation Councils 

RF HAC - RF Higher Attestation Commission 

PNS - Principle of Negative Selection 

TPU – Tomsk Polytechnical University

IHCE -Institute of High Current Electronics SB RAS in Tomsk 

CPSU – Communist Party of the Soviet Union  


This article is written on the detail analyze of our own experience and open USSR and RF thematic publications. Our numerous long standing attempts to improve the situation inside RF were unsuccessful. Therefore we try to give them the wide international sound. We hope this our article will be useful not only in RF and Former USSR states, but in many world countries.   

   The authors are Russians and not natural English speakers.  Many persons, connected by complex service and family ties, and the events are described here for the different long temporal periods. That is why possible gram mistakes may be present, which are the possible obstacles for the right understanding of the presented information. We should like  ask you to feel free and send any  your questions to us. We will give detailed explanations with all our pleasure.

Let often and scandalously, but it is necessary to eradicate shortcomings. And not to mask them, driving inside. This will only make it worse.

     According to the RF  National Security Strategy to ensure economic security and stability , the main efforts should be directed to eliminating imbalances in the economy, territorial development, labor market development, transport, information, social and educational infrastructures, the formation of a new geography of economic growth, new sectors of the economy, centers of industry , science and education, activation of fundamental and applied scientific researches, improvement of the quality of general, professional and higher education.

To solve these global problems, complex scientific studies and proposals, based on mathematical models and social scenarios forecasts, are needed. An effective, full-fledged and independent of the conjuncture and bureaucracy science is needed in order to overcome the difficulties and threats indicated in the Strategy.

The main backbone elements needed to improve the efficiency of scientific researches and accelerate their implementation are as follows:

1. Honest and fast certification of scientific personnel, including by public structures of fellow specialists on specific results and achievements, avoid passing long-term procedures for writing and defending dissertations. Why would an inventor need to defend a dissertation after the introduction of his discovery or invention into production? His scientific report is enough with the achieved results presentation.

2.Termination of the vicious practice of indicating the head-administrator in any article as a scientific co-author.

3.Objective and real criticism of dissertation weak elements, petty issues, stagnation and bureaucratic obstacles.

4.Publication based on the opinion of thematic professionals, and not just administrative officials. Giving the scientific conclusions of the Dissertation Councils (DISSOV)greater force than the decisions of officials.

5. Protection of scientists from persecution for honest criticism and their research developments.

6. Increasing interest, not only moral, but including financial one,  of scientists, officials and businessmen in the speedy implementation of significant scientific results in industry.

7.Protection of research results from leakage competitors for example by International Patenting. Ending the practice of evaluating scientists only by the number of publications. Assessment of  their inventive activity and implementation in production.

These conclusions are the results of the analysis of both our own experience and numerous thematic publications in open mass media.

ecessary for the development of science and education, the system of scientist`s attestation, after its criminal “development” by individual officials, gradually turned into a mechanism for emptying the state treasury, and without any increasing of  the scientific potential. This situation led to a decline in the prestige of RF science, an increase in corruption, a pernicious influence on young people, a brain drain abroad, the flourishing of pseudoscience and, ultimately, the destruction of important elements of t RF national security system. 

The main problems of RF science are follows:

Dissertational conveyor (DISCON).

This is the  semi-criminal large-scale production of dissertations and their "scientific" pseudo-authors: false candidates and doctors of sciences, with the subsequent assignment of high paid titles of associate professors, professors, academicians to the state deceived by them. 

Although the RAS covers no more than 15% of all RF scientific organizations, it constantly positions itself as the leader in domestic scientific researches and generally declares itself to be the avant-garde and leading cultural stratum . Therefore, together with university structures, it plays the significant role in DISCON creation and operation.

  Here for the  DISCON is particularly attractive to classified papers for closed dissertation councils (DISSOV). Law enforcement DISSOV   are considered the safest, most reliable and effective mechanism for awarding “paid” academic degrees. This business leads to the gradual filling of the "scientific space" with hacks and people who have nothing to do with science, discrediting academic degrees and titles with the effective devastation of the country's treasury by paying for fake degrees and titles. The sly people,  who function here have a certain persistence in obtaining high positions, which creates favorable opportunities for the further expansion and DISCON prosperity. A continuous wave of carbon-copied "dissertations" is especially characteristic of the pedagogical, historical, sociological, legal, political science, and economic sciences.

Here, the existence and prosperity in RF of the long-term rooted and stable Principle of Negative Selection (PNS) in general, and in relation to science in particular. PNS is the negative phenomenon, when resources are received not depending on the real contribution, but depending on side factors: connections, the ability to squeeze through and climb through by any means.

  The RAS Elite,  consisting of its academicians and correspondent members, will defend their predatory rights to the last. This Elite spits   on the personal contribution and achievements of any RF scientist. On the contrary, the Elite tried, tries and will try to extinguish them according to the principle - In the dim firmament, the Elite stars shine brighter. Therefore, practically in RF, as well as in all the so-called "independent" countries of the Former USSR, science has died. For it to appear, social values ​​need to be changed. And this will not happen. In general, the prosperous RF Elite presence is the very bright and clear PNS demonstration.  Without any doubt, this Principle exists in all spheres and even in law enforcement agencies.

   In RF the well-established system of business of “purchase and sale”  academic degrees has been successfully operating for many years. Any person, who wants to improve their status by obtaining an academic degree,  can easily get this paid "educational service" today using  Internet. It includes preparing the texts of a dissertation and an  abstract, "pushing" articles for publication in journals, selecting opponents, a leading organization, receiving feedback , passing the candidate's minimum exams, successful defense in the DISSOV, lobbying for the passage of a dissertation in the RF Higher Attestation Commission (RF HAC). Today this business has turned into the well-organized form of pseudo-scientific commerce with all the fraud signs.

   Many falsifications were discovered when officials and deputies received scientific degrees, which contributed to their social  discredit.  The strange refusal of the RF State Duma exists on the adoption of a law on the deprivation of such "scientists" of falsified scientific degrees. But it is logical to preserve the honor of the uniform of many of its members.

  Rectors of universities use their right to announce its dissertations closed, that is, only for official use, even if all publications  in the closed dissertation exist only in the open press.

The reasons of  this business prosperity are follows:

  1)The authorities and law enforcement agencies prefer not to interfere in this business due to the high risk of error, run into the anger and dissatisfaction of their  superiors regularly acquiring academic degrees. There is a tolerance of many leaders and their structures for its existence.

2) The system of punishment for these  crimes is absent. Although there are articles of the Criminal Code for fraud and falsifications, but  they are difficult to prove in court. There is the specially trained "scientific" journalists and lawyers who specialize in defending such fraudsters.

3)  Many Elite members, DISSOV chairs, department heads and experts were drawn into the DISCON functioning. Cases of real objective assessment of their crimes under the old leadership of RF HAC, headed by Mesyts  for 8 years, were practically excluded. 

4) There was no real responsibility of opponents and scientific chiefs for their  DISCON participation. There were no objective criteria and principles for an honest assessment of abstracts and the scientific significance of the contribution of a particular researcher to his dissertation. In the presence of dozens and hundreds of repeated abstracts,   they biasedly and consciously note the novelty and significant contribution to science of new pseudo dissertations. 

In the article “The collapse of academic science closes the road to the RF future”

 2 possible ways  of RAS reform are considered: liquidating this business radical (revolutionary) and evolutionary. The revolutionary one is the most promising, since the RAS reform initiated in 2013, today has acquired the character of a long-term sluggish schizophrenia. This was beneficial to the former RAS leaderships which imitated a detailed reflection on the ongoing reforms. But it is unprofitable for RF national security strategy. 

   Mesyts refused  at all to provide state policy in attestation of scientific and teaching staff, that is one of the main reasons for dissatisfaction, contempt and almost complete distrust of the RF  science. G. Kvasnikov, the new RAS President, retained Mesyats  in his renewed Presidium, which causes distrust and doubts in its quality work. Perhaps he hoped for Mesyats  as the RAS successful manager, who used his family ties  in last Politburo of  USSR Communist Party. 

     V. Filippov, the RF HAS chairman,  correctly decided

to  prohibit the defense of dissertations in their "home  DISSOV,  especially in debatable situations. The particular alarm and concern is the  Principle of Negative Selection using in the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS), where there is the family corrupt transfer of official positions with the simultaneous misappropriation of academic titles. “We set a record for the number of selected relatives in the Elite” 

DISCON gave birth to contempt and distrust of RF scientific results.

Among  RAMS academicians,  who illegally promoted their relatives to the Elite members, there are such well-known ones as the Founder of the USSR and RF  Cardiological Service Evgeny Chazov, the Chief Cardiovascular Surgeon of RF  Health Ministry Leo Bokeria and others.

   Let us note the most negative and deplorable results of Principle of Negative Selection in RF  Health Ministry. They are the most accessible to the understanding of the population.

  DISCON has generated  the following contempt and distrust in RF scientific results: 

1. For example, the World Health Organization has not recognized the RF Covid-19 vaccine. Therefore, many countries do not consider this vaccine to be a vaccine at all, such as the Baltic States of the Former USSR. And they require an entry visa, for example, the Pfizer vaccine  to obtain an entry visa. Pfizer cannot be done in RF. 

2. When choosing pharmaceuticals, the population prefers much more expensive, but imported ones. A similar situation occurs with the replacement of worn and diseased joints, as well as other organs. Instead of Russian ones, they are trying to install imported ones. Here Valyaev has his own rich experience.

3. Very expensive special wards appeared in hospitals and sanatoriums, supposedly supervised by academicians. Super money VIP clients try very hard to get into such chambers.

4. In large cities, special lectures are organized for very dubious medical "luminaries", for example, eastern ones, from the Temples of Tibet, who want to improve their health. Often such "luminaries" are generally swindlers and charlatans,  who doesn't even have any diplomas. And after their "treatment" normal medical Treatment is required! new emerging diseases.

5. RF TV  canals were  overloaded with information about children with serious illnesses,  who need urgent treatment abroad at huge expense, medications or surgeries. Everyone is asked to come forward and help. It is impossible to help them inside RF. This is also the sad consequences of RF Health Care destruction.

   The honest path in science is difficult, so many scientists are tired of observing existing international moral and ethical principles unilaterally.

   The V. Solovyov on  RF TV broadcast “What is happening in the RAS today” (02.11.16) clearly exposed many violations

His  correct and logical conclusion is following: some academicians don't give a damn about science. Their main goal is to successfully live in glory, honor and awards at public expense. Some academicians are concerned about the RAS preservation only as  the state-funded structure  for unique lifelong lush feeder for hundreds of Elite idlers, with an acute shortage of funding for active young ordinary scientists- researchers. In 2015 Fortov simply introduced the  new title of RAS professor to simulate the  RAS reform for young scientists without any their financial supportПрофессор_РАН 

   The reasonable proposal is  re-election of Elite members every 4 years, taking into account their real achievements. The RF President fired senior officials for using the Elite election system for personal gain. 

  All academics are former USSR communists, so the Elite is like the Central Committee of  USSR Communist Party and the RAS Presidium  are  like its senile Politburo.

 Long road of innovations. 

The bright example "successful" criminal implementation of Principle of Negative Selection is the Explosive Electronic Emission (EEE) Phenomenon. It  was discovered in 1965 by US scientists: Brewster, J. L. ; Charbonnier, F. M. ; Garrett, L. F. ; Riegelmann, K. W. ; Trolan, J. K. DESIGN STUDIES FOR ULTRA-FAST, LOW-IMPEDANCE HIGH-PEAK-POWER PULSED SYSTEMS. Technical rept. Apr 62-Aug 65,

Mesyts with his gang appropriated the right of EEE discoverers phenomenon in the USSR  the year later in 1966 due to the PNS acting and including  the criminal press of his family high-ranking ties in the  above mentioned  Central Committee. These ties These connections provided him with access to US scientific materials. USSR ordinary scientists hadn`t  such access then. Therefore, Mesyts was provided with the unhindered defense of his doctoral “dissertation” in 1966 at the Dissertation Council of Tomsk Polytechnical University.

    Mesyats attracted to his gang the  accomplice and co-author of EEE discovery the chief academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences in St. Petersburg G. Fursey,

   Mesyats  and Fursey are scholars  of their one and the same teacher L. Sena

       This fact  both was carefully concealed to simulate  that EEE phenomenon was separately and independently discovered by each in different cities of Tomsk and Leningrad. Number and date of priority: No. 176 dated July 2, 1966 have been   indicated at the time of receipt by the editorial office of the RF  well-known journal of Technical Physics

with  their supposedly “independent” articles

 Then in addition in 1984  Fursey declared himself to be a fake "discoverer and revealer" of the phenomenon of explosive ion emission.

     In our book Valyaev A.N., Pogrebnyak A.D., Plotnikov S.V. "Radiation-mechanical effects in solids under irradiation with high-intensity pulsed electron and ion beams", Publishing house: Almaty: Gylym, 1998, 266 p. , in the section “Application of high-power pulsed ion beams in technologies” we wrote: “For the first time, high-power pulsed ion beams were used at Cornell University (USA) for annealing semiconductors in 1980 (Baglin J.E. //Appl. Phys. Lett 1980, v/37, p.187.// and at the Institute of Nuclear Physics at TPU for the modification of the surface properties of metals in 1981 A.Didenko, G.Remnev et al.// Tez Dokl. All-Union Conf. on the Application of Electron-Ion Technology in the National Economy, Tbilisi 1981, p.110. //

   In our article, V I Boiko, A N Valyaev, A D Pogrebnyak.  /Metal modification by high-power pulsed particle beams./  Physics - Uspekhi 42 (11) pp.1139 - 1166 (1999)  Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk, Russian Academy of Sciences v.169, No 11, 1999,  pp.1243-1271. V.I. Boyko, A.N. Valyaev, A.D. Pogrebnyak, (Russian version), (English)

 in the section "Modification of the structure and mechanical properties of metals under high-power pulsed ion irradiation" there is not a single reference to Fursey articles.

    It is interesting USA position on these  facts. In general, USA and their  scientists kept silent. Also the real 5 authors of EEE Phenomenon kept it. Although their discovery deserved the Nobel Prize. We think that the US Central Intelligence Agency advised them to do so. Because it was impossible to find the  better destroyer of  USSR science than Mesyats.  That is why, apart from all USSR and RF regalia,  USA awarded him many of US honorary titles and ranks. 

         Academician  Zh. Alferov, the Nobel laureate 

also fully supported Mesyats as his closed friend and source of Alferov criminal incomes in his real actions as academician of elite taverns in St Petersburg 

    It is noticed at these sites that Alferov, using his post director and   the main communist of the RAS  Physical-Technical Institute A.F. Ioffe  took science results from  the real authors for getting of Nobel laureate title.   

    Alferov was the chairman of the organizing committee for the award of the Global Energy Prize, referred to as the "Russian Nobel".Глобальна

Exaggerated authorities and their reproduction.

In RF science a lot of exaggerated authorities, freeloaders and other parasitic elements have divorced, hindering its development.

The struggle for various imaginary indicators for obtaining funding was led by  Mesyts. For example, he  issued the special orders on extraordinary consideration of TPU dissertations. For these purposes he staffed the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) with TPU graduates: professor M. Nikitin was appointed head of the of natural and technical sciences department. Pseudo-scientist TPU rector Yu.Pokholkov (YuP), who proclaimed himself the "Intellect of the Nation" and the Leader of the Century", became HAC expert

As the  result, TPU has achieved yet another imaginary achievement for science and education: “From 1996 to 2000. the number of defenses of doctoral and master's theses has doubled at TPU.”Похолков_Юрий_Петрович

In the Mesyats  and YuP doctoral dissertational  abstracts by electrical sciences, there aren’t  a single electrical circuit, a single graph and table, due to the authors' fears of being easily caught in plagiarism.

YuP declares his scholars 30 candidates and one doctor of sciences as instead of the single real candidate. See details

YuP is the moscow narodny bank banker

and the member of the Yukos Board Directors. He managed to make many of his friends Honorary Professors of TPU: Mikhail Khodorkovsky (MH)),V. Pozner and several another foreigners  absolutely not related with  TPU. He opened the  world educational center, the TPU branch in  the offshore zone  in Nicosia, Cyprus.

MH built the educational TPU office  and the cultural night city  center "Fakel" during his struggle for Tomsk City Duma  candidate for the student constituency, when he was already convicted and was in prison.

Academician Kontorovich, closed Mesyats  and YuP  friend, also is the honorary TPU professor  and the laureate of the Global Energy Prize   

YuP   and Kontorovich are members of the Yukos Board  Directors out of 4 Russians among the 10 members of this Board. Before the conviction of their boss MX in 2005 4 Russians asked for  political refuge in London. Their request was granted. janvarja 2019 goda 85-letnii ybilei.pdf

   Egor Ligachev the State Duma deputy and Former First Secretary of the Tomsk CPSU Regional Committee  said: “Another example from my constituency. For 4 years after MH (Yukos) bought up the Tomsk oil industry for next to nothing, 3-4 billion rubles were not paid to the budget annually due to the establishment of an extremely low tax base (6 - 8 times lower than market prices). In 2008  only in the Tomsk region  budget revenues were sharply reduced. Yukos  owed the federal budget 370 billion rubles, the regional   99 billion and the local ones 110 billion. Yukos company was allowed to do things at  Tomsk land that the world's economic octopuses could not afford either in Africa, nor in the Arab East during the colonial yoke and super-exploitation”.


  Yukos' contribution to TPU and Tomsk, including his bribe to Bolshov,  IBRAE director, were trifles. In 2010 Valyaev refused from the  MH  bribe in the masked form of funding for his scientific researches  at the Moscow Yukos bank. 

  TPU was drowning in his lies and falsifications in order to get into the TOP 15 RF  leading universities for receiving  significant additional funding in the complete absence of control from the relevant Ministries. 

 And the main TPU  pseudoscientists gifted themselves the numerous state awards: Mesyats  - 8,  YuP- 4 state orders.

YuP was preparing his heir to the post TPU rector professor A. Surzhikov. In order to receive the title of professor by HAC he  had to have 5 candidates of science prepared by him personally. And there was only one. He attributed to himself 4 more (not prepared by him at all). He wrote their full names, the titles of their dissertations and sent  to HAC. Although there were many letters to HAC  in Surzhikov's postscripts, Mesyats approved him as a professor. The newspaper "Tomskaya Nedelya" published an accusatory article "Tomsky Chichikov's Career" - No. 8, 24 Feb. 2005. But  Mesyats did not pay any attention to her at all. A. Surzhikov, academician of RF Academy of   Natural Sciences, further became impudent and wrote on its website that he himself prepared 12 candidates and 3 doctors of science. Along the way, he liquidated  in TPU the advanced School of Earthquake Forecasting "Thunderstorm in the Earth" with the right to assign its authorship to YuP, who awarded him the title of RF Honored Person of Science and Technology and the Friendship Order. 

   YuP declared himself the head of any TPU scientific areas that  he liked, for example, nanotechnology with the assistance of the former vice-rector on  TPU, scientific work professor V. Vlasov. After the dismissal YuP  from the post TPU  rector in 2008, Vlasov also tried to participate in election of a new rector. But his candidacy was rejected by Fursenko RF Minister of Education. Then the new minister,  doubtful education reformer D. Livanov, appointed Vlasov  by rector of  Tomsk University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

Mesyats and YuP with some TPU professors published several articles with MH  to make him the scientist. The newspaper "Tomskaya Pravda" truthfully wrote that YuP "sold"  TPU MH. In our opinion, the MH bought the entire Tomsk Vatican, which rules the city, consisting of the community of university rectors and some vice-rectors, headed by Tomsk governors V. Kress (1991-2012) and S. Zhvachkin (2012-2022). And when MH was already in prison, he was elected to the deputies of the Tomsk City Duma precisely in the student constituency

For this crime, his private drug business and another crimes A.Makarov the Tomsk Mayor  was sentenced  to 12 years maximum security colony.

The invaluable and huge contribution to the creation, prosperity and glorification of Tomsk Vatican was made by another member of the Elite, director of the Institute for Strength and Materials Science RAS corresponding member S. Psakhie

  In 2008, the Tomsk administration sent its high-ranking official P. Chubik by TPU rector  to create chaos (newspaper "Tomskaya Nedelya", 09/19/2008 ") for this administration and his financial huge incomes. He succeeded and for  10 years (2008-2019) turned TPU  into his family clan mafia center. 

  It is no coincidence that the RF Anti-Corruption Foundation founder of  A. Navalny was poisoned in 2020 in Tomsk. 

Repeated visits of RF  Presidents (V.Putin, D.Medvedev) to Tomsk and his private conversations with students corrected the situation only during their visits. Then situation  became the same.

Director of IBRAE RAS аcademician L. Bolshov, where Valyaev works today, spent a lot of money on the lush prosperity of his family fascist obscurantist totalitarian sect "Valley of  Sun" and the creation of its new branches in various RF regions such as Tver, Siberia and  Moscow regions. The RAS leadership with Elite actively helped with funding this sect for more than  20 years.

At first this sect was located in Budy village, Kharkiv Ukraina region. The entire sect was expelled and its sectarian house, where ancient Hindu rituals with sacrifices were performed, the inhabitants burned. 

Bolshov  also attracted  his daughter Anna Bolshova, the RF Honored Artist actress of the Moscow Lenkom Theater, in the private children's studio "Helicopter" specially created in Novosibirsk to involve young children and their parents for the sect campaigning

To finance his sect and family in the Siberian region, Bolshov opened  new branch office  of IBRAE in Moscow  at the RAS  Siberian Branch in Novosibirsk, which did not work at all (Valyaev's own experience) and even haven’t  its own bank account. Elite used  this secta for  secretly store its members  huge incomes. In case of alarm discovery and identification of their income sources, they will declare them as the sect incomes. 

     The analysis of Bolshov's scientific publications showed:

 (1) it is generally accepted that publications are indicated in their original language and also given the names of the journals and collections in which they are published; (2) His list of publications contains 56 (fifty-six!) of his reports published nowhere at various scientific events. They don’t refer to scientific publications and their reliability cannot be established. It is only  his fake. We analyzed  his report [46] "Prevention and Mitigation of the Consequences of Terrorist Attacks Using Radioactive Materials",  at the International Seminar on Nuclear War and Planetary Emergencies [electronic resource] : 27th session ..., "E. Majorana" Center for Scientific Culture, Erice, Italy, 18-26 August 2002.$002f$002fSD_ILS$002f867$002fSD_ILS:867427/ada?qu =Wilson&rw=2388⁣=true

Bolshov is absent in Seminar  participants at all.

   Bolshov also publicly stated that MH was the financial IBRAE sponsor.  But we are sure that MH was his personal one for  work in the RF destruction.    All these fakes are made to confuse and hide the real situation. It is pointless to do further checks, which  should have done by  Osipov and Fortov the former RAS Presidents in the selection of candidates for academicians. 

These examples confirm the Elite crimes  and its using to educate future terrorists with a fascist ideology, headed by Asmita, Bolshov's wife, who declared herself the former SS Standanderführer and the  alien from the planet “Venus” with her noble mission help for  planet “Earth”,

    Throughout IBRAE existence Bolshov   didn’t nominate any single IBRAE scientists to the Elite members, since he wanted  to take himself  all profit in last and today. He perfectly mastered the fascist principles from his wife Asmita. 

    In 2013 Mesyats ordered Bolshov  to fire me, Valyaev,  from IBRAE. Bolshov suggested that I resign of my own free will. 

Otherwise, he certifies as Chief of IBRAE attestation commission me for professional unsuitability. I didn't agree because I was confident in my certification and my scores were much higher than required. Although I remained the  official IBRAE employee, Bolshov  stopped paying my salary for more than 3 months from May 2013 till September 2013. During my absence due to illness from work, Bolshov opened my office and took out all my belongings, which were looted. I wrote about everything to Fortov statement and RAS Presidium.  As than Fortov afraid scandal and possible court, he ordered Bolshov  backdating create my official certification sheet  with positive conclusion  and signatures of 15 members  IBRAE attestation commission. I saw this sheet only on September 2013. All salary was given to me and  I was reinstated at work.   I will note that all IBRAE services, and especially the financial one, constantly operate not according to the RF  laws, but only to Bolshov illegal orders. 

     In 2011, for public exposing of  Elite crimes in “RAS Diagnostics” film Mesyats ordered to fire  Vera Mysina, Chairman of RAS Young Scientists. She was fired and opened her  RF public movement "For an Honest Country", where she widely covered the crimes of the Elite, including some main RAS leaders.

    Recently the UN General Assembly approved the RF resolution on combating the glorification of Nazism

      In this case, the glorification of Nazism by Bolshov family takes place  in masked form.

   Objective assessment of scientists  are based on his science publications. His awards, titles and another achievements are secondary. Pseudo-scientists consciously acquire them as immunity before their possible future collapse. The RAS journals are corrupt. The Elite in the best RF journal " Physics - Uspekhi ", translated into English in the UK, regularly praises its members through the publication of laudatory articles with the title  "To the anniversary of Academician X” But what about the success of the physical sciences? The authors of these articles often include them as their own scientific publications.

Anniversaries of Elite members, such as Mesyats and his, partners are more accurately called the failures for their destruction of RF science. Mesyats is the  co-author of many articles. He  repeatedly used his academician title  for publish pseudoscientific articles in “Doklady RAS” journal. For publication in this journal  a recommendation from any Elite member is sufficient. Mesyats  himself didn’t  read many “his” articles. For example, the Author's Certificate for the invention: "Method of cleaning the surface of solids " No. 549046 dated November 5, 1976. Authors D.Vaysburd, A.Valyaev, G.Mesyats et all.

    Mesyats  was repeatedly encouraged by specially organized RAS Presidiums

And  his public “lectures”  at  RF TV canal “ Culture”. Also he has the great sense of smell for the persons, ripe for moral decay in different roles, including to be  pseudoscientist with the prestigious regalia. For example academician S.Bugaev, director the  Institute of High Current Electronics SB RAS (1986-2002), who is the copy of another further described here academician pseudoscientist Ratakhin. We noticed only academicians of Mesyats without mentioning the many ordinary fake Tomsk professors. But we are pleased to call the only single honest the academician Tomsk and good inventor Boris  Kovalchuk with all our respect BКовальчук_Борис_Михайлович

 He refused from Mesyats proposal  to be false discoverer EEE phenomenon. 

    In 2016, the RF President reasonably rejected the candidacy of Fortov, who was previously dismissed by him, as the new RAS President.  Fortov and Mesyats are the founders of the Dissertation Conveyor (DISCON) and its successful operation.

Fortov's papers included 1,229 co-authors, provided the real RF DISCON for their “successes”  in obtaining academic degrees and titles.

Science in USSR and RF, according to the system of lifetime bonuses, is very different from the civilized world science.  It was enough to show good results only once to formalize merit, and then rest on their laurels all their lives. Or make the successful theft as Mesyats  EEE phenomenon. Therefore, it would be fair to be elected to the Elite for a certain period, as is done in the RF State Duma. The athlete is offered a paid contract as long as he shows high sports results. In science, the payment of a scientist should be determined solely on the basis of the value of his own achievements, and not the achievements of the entire team. Fortov persuaded RF President to double the lifetime scholarships for Elite members. But it would be better annually to direct these finances to several billion rubles to support young scientists. 

    The formation of new "independent" states  after the USSR collapse resulted as very negative impact on the scientific personnel certification. Dissertation Councils, Higher Attestation Commissions,  publications and dissertations in new state languages made it difficult to identify the value of works and detect plagiarism. 

Organized criminal groups have been created in Kazakhstan. For example, under their chieftains, professors A. Kupchishin from Almaty city and S. Plotnikov (born in 1950), M. Kylyshkanov from Ust-Kamenogorsk city.

  Elite members strongly protested against the examination of their scientific qualifications by foreign experts.

It would be expedient to create the RAS institute for these  members with the  base salary of 30,000 rubles. Let them show themselves and create an alternative academy

   Empty waste. In developed foreign countries, all scientific organizations are concentrated in universities. If the RAS is attached to RF universities, where there are many rectors who effectively plunder the state treasury, then they will have new competitors from the Elite with the development of the theft of student tuition fees. Many parasitic elements would perish in their criminal survival. As a result, the working people would be partially freed from them.

Only recently RAS stopped asking the country for money to conduct research on controlled thermonuclear fusion, doomed to failure. RAS also pulled 6 billion dollars from the country for the U-70 proton synchrotron in Serpukhov, which is now practically abandoned. There is also the project to build new Skolkovo in the Crimea and St. Petersburg. In RF where funds are allocated, new Skolkovo appear there.

    The Elite is pushing Russian science to the margins of world science. It's hard to find Nano science effects in RF. Academician Kuleshov officially “earned” 67 million rubles in 2015, which roughly corresponds to the total income of 100 of his ordinary employees. He invested it in his French real estate. In addition he is the rector of the Skoltech university.  For the acquisition of family overseas property, Mesyats is the leader having it in the most expensive Manhattan in New York City at Str 256 West 52.

 On the website Income of Directors of FASO Institutes for 2016

 their huge white declared incomes are visible.

Bolshov is in 5th place at 28,326,478.81 rubles, which is 82 times higher than the official income of professor A. Valyaev (347,308.84 rubles). One should not be naive to believe that he achieves it with his abilities and work. There are world fundamental laws of conservation of matter – matter and  energy. And in this case, money. After all, the directors, in addition to whites, still have gray and black incomes. But this is a topic of the  completely different criminal articles  of RF  Criminal Code.

   It is the mistake to think that Bolshov promotes the conclusion of contracts, projects and programs. As for me, I have never seen his assistance. The only time in 22 years I wanted to get an appointment extra  with him. But he did not accept me because I didn`t arrange this visit, the appointment and didn`t sign up in advance. 

   Almost all RAS  vice-presidents have black   incomes. A. Valyaev writes about this in detail on his websites. Also we authors of this article don’t know about the distribution of this full huge Elite incomes, but sure that on the laws of organized crime groups. It is noticed in Bolshov decided only himself what percent (55 -70 %)  of contract sum its leader has to pay in IBRAE income. Its range this well-managed financial RAS  chaos is deliberately created by its Elite leaders. Even when I attracted scientists from outside organizations to perform my contracts without their work place in IBRAE, full % of their incomes was necessarily deducted to IBRAE income.   

  When I was leader and manager of  ISTC Project  No 3269 (see my CV), where there was the strict financial control from the ISTC. At first Bolshov  tried to make his manual official the Project Head.  When this did not work out, he ordered that 50% of his blat employees be included in the paid Project executors without any  their work. In case of my disagreement, Bolshov didn’t  give consent to  Project Implementation. I was forced to submit. 

   If we now hold RF referendum: «Do you agree to support the RAS Elite?»  then the voting results will be negative. The majority of RAS staff would also vote against it. There is no need to give the parasitic Elite the opportunity to intensively RF coffer empty. People protect cultivated plants from weeds. Bees expel drones from hives. What is the use of academicians for RF? Only their promises are heard. Who prevented them from working not for their own benefit, but for the RF  benefit, which has been supporting them in wealth and prosperity for many years? The Mesyats impudence is visible in the article “RAS academician G. Mesyats sued the newspaper because of fake dissertations.”

    He also published the book "Save Science"

  Although science must, first of all, be saved from him and people like him.

The Elite has no brakes on assessing its imaginary scientific significance. Therefore, they additionally declare themselves as the creators of new scientific directions. For example, Fortov declares that in world science he is  the scholar of Ya. Zeldovich, (the outstanding and honest scientist, the main theorist of thermonuclear weapons,,258/).

created a new scientific direction "dynamic physics of non-ideal plasmaФортов,_Владимир_Евгеньевич 

Back in the 60s, student Valyaev studied US publications on the dynamics of non-ideal plasma by publications in the journals Phys. Rev., J. Appl. Phys. , including on the  huge fundamental USSR book:  Zel'dovich Ya.V. Raiser Yu.P. "Physics of shock waves and high-temperature hydrodynamic phenomena". SCIENCE - FIZMATLIT, 2nd edition, 1966, 688 p. 

 Elite succeeded in gross violations of the existing principles and provisions of professional international scientific ethics. For example, in understanding that there is a scientific discovery.   

   Glorification of the authorities, this very negative feature earlier in the USSR, and then in RF widespread. That is, the level of your scientific achievements will be assessed not by their real scientific significance, but by the degree of their support by the scientific RF authorities, which are  often simple foam  and  waste in science. In the absence of world achievements, they are advertised by sycophants, entire scientific institutions and so-called "scientific" journalists. For example, the Institute of High Current Electronics RAS (IHCE)in Tomsk, founded by Mesyats. Its numerous dissertations are not based on world science, but are called upon to glorify the founder.

 Valyaev  randomly took abstracts of the last 10 thematic dissertations from IHCE website. They provide links only to Mesyats  publications. But both he himself and his works  have nothing with world thematic achievements. These works are not only yesterday, but the day before yesterday.

  We previously wrote that you can buy an RF Dissertational conveyor. And now we write that it is impossible. These are world discoveries and articles in English in the world's leading thematic journals not published in RF. There, all materials are subject to strict scientific review by several independent leading world non-Russian scientists. Therefore, some Elite members steal scientific materials and appropriate their authorship or invent non-existent scientific publications.

In 2000 for successful  defend his "doctoral" dissertation and increase his world scientific rating, Ratakhin came up with three such articles  in the original from his abstract of doctoral dissertation:

  1. Experimental study ofu^-reactions at uhraiow energies using Z-pinch / A.V. Luchinsky, V.I. Makhrin, N.A. Ratakhin, S.A. Sorokin. S.A.Chaikovsky // J. Nucl. lustrum. And Methods. - 1998. - Vol. 42, No. 4. - P. 775-794.
  2. Ratakhin N.A., Makhrin V.I., Bystritsky V.M. // Laser and Particle Beams. — 2000. — No. 18. — P 1-9.

  1. Baksht R.B., Kokshenev V.I. and Ratakhin N.A. Precursor phenomenon in wire arrays; Model and experiment. // Laser and Particle Beams, V. 19, pp. 1-7, 2001.

There are the grammatical errors, typical  for many academics,   are present. Ratakhin is also the head of TPU Department of High-Current Electronics 

 What useful things can this department teach students? We note here the co-author S.A.Chaikovsky,  the scholar of Mesyats and Ratakhin, director of the Institute of Electrophysics in Yekaterinburg and RAS corresponding member (2019). The scientific leader of this Institute is also Mesyats.  It is impossible to solve the Main Task of any country for the correct education of the future generation. Recently Tomsk for the 40th IHCE anniversary.  Ratakhin was awarded the criminal mayor of Tomsk, Ivan Klein,  TPU graduate, with the medal "For Distinction"

The comparison with the play by the RF poet A. Pushkin "A Feast in the Time of Plague" is appropriate. 

Quality education is based on the appropriately high level of science teaching. It is the  very strange fact that two terry pseudo-scientists academicians Mesyats and Bolshov are the heads of departments at the Faculty of Problems of Physics and Energy at the best physical RF university -Moscow Physics and Technology University.

The important scandalous, but very useful event for RF took place at a meeting of the Council under RF  President which showed the mercenary criminal Elite goals.   

Putin asked Fortov why high-ranking officials were elected in Elite members despite his last year  recommendation not to participate in this elections?  Fortov ignored it and understood that if it was possible to elect such officials as academicians, then they would fiercely fight for the preservation and strengthening of all RAS  positions. And the officials were well aware that their public positions are unstable, and they can be fired at any time. But their academician titles are prestigious and provide significant salary increases 100. 000 rubles per month. That is, three ordinary workers must work on the constant life support of such an "academician". Such an increase without any work exceeds the average RFsalary by 3 times. Valyaev salary is less than average one. At first it seemed that this RAS event had positive results. 25 officials tried to become academicians through direct elections at RAS general meeting on October 26, 2016. 14 out of 25 such individuals were successfully elected.

Several officials Putin immediately fired. вид / 21527

Fortov told Putin that when selecting candidates for academicians, their  careful six-stage preliminary selection is carried out. 

Then the interesting situation developed. Previously Fortov stated that these “new academicians” are real scientists needed by RAS. Then, literally 2 days later, on November 28, 2016, he  officially announced that these “scientists” are not  absolutely needed for RAS. 

    November 2, 2016 V. Solovyov correctly analyzed the current situation in his program “Our academicians are fragments of the previous way of life” 

It is noted that foreign academies of sciences are formed and exist on a voluntary basis without any state financial support. And in some countries there is an academy membership fee. For example, in Israel, each academician pays $120 per year. And RF has only solid additional payments for the academicians titles, annually devastate the state budget by several billion rubles, with extremely low efficiency of their work, which has a distinctly pronounced corruption. The determining factors in the inheritance of their titles and high government positions are only nepotism and blat. Only the single US Harvard University on scientific efficiency  exceeds the entire RAS.

The real reasons for this situation are follows: After the USSR collapse and the subsequent wild privatization of state property, Elite decided to enrich themselves by any possible means through illegal criminal speculation with didn`t own its real estate. The large-scale leasing of such real estate to commercial structures has been very successful in Elite selfish enrichment. For example, Academician Lev Zeleny, the close Fortov friend  and director of RAS  Space Research Institute, rented out more than 10,000 sq.m. Institute in Moscow center with his  personal annual income of hundreds millions rubles.,

  In these cases Lev does not need to be shy. The best example for this  academic paper  Lion -Lev should take the  example from the very impudent slave and owner Bolshov.

    Although Sergeev, RAS past  President, promised RF  President to make RAS more noticeable by its 300- th anniversary in 2024. But  it was only in the awarding of  Mesyats (2021) and Bolshov (2019) with the military Alexander Nevsky orders.

    I ponder Bolshov  behavior and motivation of him and similar mediocrity in science. It is their lack of scientific ability and insatiable thirst for profit that makes them zealously fulfill the orders of their bosses like the Moon. To please them at least as lackeys. They just have nowhere to go. And I really want to live, moreover, comfortably. Hence theft and banditry in all spheres of their activity.

Another lousy ex-communist and  pseudo-scientist RAS academician G. Filippov, born in 1932.Филиппов,_Геннадий_Алексеевич

  retained his residual knowledge of the use of the telephone law of the times of the CPSU and called in 2012 a friend, RAS  adviser  in IBRAE, academician Sarkisov A.A. born 1924. The latter, as an adviser, advised Bolshov to fire me altogether because of the attacks on G.A. Months born in 1936 But I thwarted the plans of these aksakals and bandits.  I note that this G. Filippov has never been to Tomsk. But on the other hand, he was the paid TPU professor. TPU took care of him in case of emergency.

    All PhD candidates and Elite members are required to submit various multiple documents in advance for necessary verification, including a list of their own scientific publications. It is pointless for us to write further about the quality of such checks.

The RAS integration with the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences greatly complicated and further confused the situation, as Elite number increased to 2100.

    The difference between an  academician and an honestly working ordinary scientist is that the latter works at any opportunity in any place. Academicians live only in large cities, where RAS services operate and  favorable conditions are created for receiving different awards.

  RAS goal reform from 2013 was to normalize the situation in science RF. The created Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations

  ( removed the Elite from crimes with state property. The Elite's attempts to justify these crimes by concern for the preservation of RAS institutions are absolutely unconvincing.   

    Elite didn`t fulfill the precepts of its founder Peter I, and sings its mournful song about the low RAS state funding instead of its own contribution to the state budget. The more state funds you manage to snatch, the more Elite  will be able to steal themselves.

     This article proves the abnormal Elite work to the detriment of world science and its criminal huge enrichment at the expense of the working people.

  Important. We are responsible for every word and have many additional confirmations for every fact. Valyaev was not bought or sold and ignored the oligarchs attempts to give me bribes. It  gaves rise to the Elite hatred me, expressed in repeated attempts to illegally dismiss me.

   Organized criminal groups of pseudoscientists and these  gangs managed to achieve my dismissal the first time with the help of the Tomsk Vatican in 1976, and the second in 2013 with the Elite. But both times I was reinstated by higher organizations. In 1976, the Central Committee of the Communist Party and the USSR Minister of Education, that lasted 6 months. In 2013  President RAS and Presidium helped me, that lasted 3 months. These facts prove the abnormal Elite work to the detriment of world science and its criminal enrichment at the expense of the working people.

   If there were 323 academicians in  the USSR Academy of Sciences , then in RAS there are now 3 times more academicians - 941, although  RF population is almost two times less than in USSR.

   The pleasant news was the following   On October 16, 2020, the government deprived the RAS of some of its powers and removed military, defense and diplomatic organizations from the scientific and methodological leadership of the RAS. In addition, for organizations subordinate to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation, the RAS  expert opinion will now be advisory in nature.

   Elite turned to oppositional non-patriotic ideas and finally switched to the pro-Western, anti-Russian, neo-fascist position, which was confirmed by the election of the Former Head of the US State Department Henry Kissinger as the academician in 2016, who declared: (1) “I will prefer chaos and civil war in Russia to the tendency to reunite it into a single strong, centralized state. (2) “There is no need to waste time and money on a war with Russia. This country is self-disciplined and will destroy itself.”

    Henry and his US State Department have invested $4 trillion to make the RF just like that.

 Another of Henry's slogans is: “By controlling oil, you control states. By controlling food, you control the population…”

    That is, the Elite began the extermination of its population, feeding it according to the “food fascism” method. Academics should be condemned, and the Government only increases the lifetime bonuses for members of the Elite with benefits

Former President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Osipov kept quiet, and His successors Fortov and Sergeev follow this path of destroying science.

   All their awards are based on the outstanding Mesyats theft of the 20 and 21  centuries EEE phenomena. Elite refuses to acknowledge this fact. On the contrary, it tries to carefully disguise and conceal theft. Elite  does this very well today. On all RAS  sites  Mesyats is still the EEE discoverer and the founder of the new scientific direction as  high-current electronics. There are many reasons for this. Let's name another one. Mesyats simply blackmails all Elite by the fact that if he is exposed as  thief and bandit, he will voice all the fake (pseudo-scientists) of Elite members.

According to the charter of the RAS, its main duty is to enrich science with new achievements. But the Elite succeeded only in their own enrichment. In terms of scientific return in terms of investments in science, the Russian Federation has the last places in the world. But nevertheless,  the entire Elite continues to be fed from the RF budget, while working against the country. 

On October 16, 2020, the RF  government deprived the RAS of some of its powers and removed military, defense and diplomatic organizations from the scientific and methodological leadership of the RAS. In addition, for organizations subordinate to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation, any RAS  expert opinion will now be advisory in nature.

    The following positive moments  are present here.  Elite having low scientific potential, will not able to harm the important sectors for RF development And also create some new threats to the mankind existence. Such as samples of innovative bacteriological weapons, which were created and are being created today in the 21st century in the USA.

Another moment is the disconnection of all RAS institutions from the Elite. But the status of the employees  in these institutions has not yet been determined. Only was determined their belonging to the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

  The very unpleasant and regrettable is the fact that for many RF scientists, the pursuit of academic degrees and titles has become the defining goal. The latter provided them with huge criminal profits with the death of homeland science. I have absolutely no pity and  jealous of these criminals. Only my pity is for RF science and  but after all, all this was  accompanied by disastrous examples for all young people, and especially scientific ones. 

   It is impossible for anyone to choose their parents, time of birth and homeland. They must be taken for granted, given from above. Then your own life experience, occupation and environment will shape your behavior in general. Here there is freedom of choice.  How it all happened in our  scientific activity, we wrote here. And  I really hope  for your correct understanding.

The fact that we are Russians is not the reason for our complete removal from world science due to the presence of today's serious political international tensions.

For the sake of completeness and causal relationships that threaten the RF national security we would like to pay attention to another criminal person, ex-rector of Omsk State University Gennady Ivanovich GeringГеринг_Ген
