
Publishing in an Alcrut journal starts with finding the right journal for your paper. We have tools, resources and services to help you at each stage of the publication journey to enable you to research, write, publish, promote and track your article. We shall support you make the most out of your next publication!

Here we listed some quick links based on author requirements

  1. Find a Journal
  2. Prepare your paper
  3. Submit and Revise
  4. Track your paper
  5. Partaking and Promote your paper
  6. Editorial Work Flow
  7. Article Processing Charges

Find a Journal

• Find out the journals that could be best suited for publishing your research. Match your manuscript using the Journal Acquirer tool, then learn more about each journal.

Find Journals

Prepare your paper

Principles to be followed for writing your article

Accompanying word processor file formats are acceptable for the manuscript Alcrut journals: Microsoft word (DOC, DOCX).

Article should be self-possessed in the sequence like: title, list of authors, affiliations of the authors, author order, correspondence of the article, Abstract, Keywords, Abbreviations, text, methods, references, Supplementary Information line (if at all), acknowledgements, author commitments, author data (containing data deposition statement, competing interest declaration and corresponding author line), tables and figure legends.


  • SI method is highly recommonded to present the units
  • Binomial nomenclature is widely using and recommended to present the microorganisms, plants and animals
  • DDBJ/Genebank accession numbers should be used for gene sequesnces and aminoacid sequences

In the Anlystics, research papers have today become the most important means of communicating results. Research articles are original research results or reviews existing results or show a totally new invention.

Manuscript Organization

Article TypeArticle Format
Research Article  Download Research article Format  
Review Article  Download Review article Format  
Mini Review Article  Download Mini Review Format  
Short Communication Article  Download Short communication Format  
Case Report  Download Case report Format  
Opinion Article  Download Opinion Format  
Letter to Editor  Download Letter to Editor Format  
Editorial  Download Editorial Format  
Special Issue  Download Special Issue Format  

Authors need to transfer the copyrights to the publisher as soon as the article accepted for publication under relevant license which permits to distribute, reprocess and or reprint of the published work. Under the license the transfer of rights includes material such as tables, figures, supplementary data and any part of the article can be reused. Authors retain patent, trademark, and IP rights including the original findings of their work.
In case of replica of any published work or a part of it such as figures/tables/text, etc corresponding author is a reliable person to obtain the copyrights from the previous publisher. It is obligatory to state the copyright transference evidence wherever necessary and make sure that cited properly.
In science publication, it is preferable to authenticate errors are quite common; however, should not disturb the exactness and or systematic quality of the journal. In any cases scientific misconduct and errors in experimental methodology also not acceptable in publication. To maintain the journal quality, the editors of Alcrut journals follow an internationally accepted retraction policy. When authors fail to observe the ethical code, when found any plagiarised or copied content in the published article will be subjected to retract. A notification will be published on the website with reasons. Citation and web link is available on the retraction note. In case of high degree of discussion on a published article, letters will be published to exchange the matter.
Erratum section includes a note of corrections at different construction levels in a published article will be provide in the succeeding issue of the journal. In this section only writing errors, editing and typesetting errors, mistakes in tables and figures will be corrected and published
Corrigendum encompasses corrections submitted by the authors in published article are corrected and published, Author must ensure that these corrections not modify the results nor conclusion of the published article. Any errors in units of measurements, misidentification of strains, authorship, affiliations, etc are considered to change only when corresponding author send a statement to the editorial office with list of corrections and an attached document with the all co-authors approval for the changes

Prepare your paper for submission

If you have research data to share, make sure you read the guide for authors to find out which options the journal offers to share research data with your article.
A central resource for author services offered by Alcrut and Alcrut Research journals. Access our journals, their impact factors and editorial scope.

Submit manuscript

Alcrut is an open access journal which uses open peer review, the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license and has an open data policy. There is an Article Processing Charge (APC) to publish in the journal. We publish all preclinical and translational research that is closely aligned to medicine. We are keen to receive articles in the areas of neuroscience, endocrinology, cancer and many more.

  • Article processing charge
  • Licence
  • Peer Review Process
  • Manuscript Preparation guidelines
  • Rescript, Transferal and Arrangement Support
  • Abstracting and Indexing Services
  • Submission Guidelines
  • Article processing Charges.

    Alcrut is a self-reliance organization and does not receive any funding from neither from government nor private sectors. Hence, the management of the journal is exclusively supported by the article processing fees received from authors. Irrespective of the publishing model chosen by the author, our goal is to ensure articles are published as quickly as possible, subject to appropriate quality controls, and widely disseminated. Where an author has chosen to publish open access, which typically involves the upfront payment of an article publishing charge (APC), we will also make their article immediately and freely available upon publication on Alcrut, in perpetuity, with the author’s chosen user license attached to it. Alcrut’s APC prices are set on a per journal basis. Prices were clearly displayed on our Article Processing Charge List


    As an open access journal, Alcrut adheres to the Budapest Open Access Initiative definition of open access. Articles are published under an exclusive licence or non-exclusive licence where Alcrut has agreed CC BY applies. For US Federal Government officers or employees acting as part of their official duties, the terms are as stated in accordance with our licence terms. Authors or their employers retain copyright. Such open access articles can be reused under the terms of the relevant Creative Commons licence to facilitate reuse of the content. More information on copyright and authors’ rights. All articles published in Alcrut Journals are published with a Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC BY). This is the required licence of most major biomedical research funders. Authors will need to agree to one of our licences to publish during submission.

    Open Peer Review

    Every article submitted to the journal is subjected to strict plagiarism check through our double check process involving software and manual checking. Once article passes through this step, articles are subjected to editorial review for scope, relevance and other standard requirements.

    Scholarly Peer review is a very crucial process when processing the manuscript before publication. The quality of research work done by the authors will be evaluated by submitting to one or more people of similar competence of the same field of work. Scientific peer review is a quality-control system that analyzes whether all new scientific discoveries, innovations, ideas are analyzed and critiqued by expert scientists before they become widely accepted and appear online. Minimum three Peer review process is mandatory in all Alcrut journal in order to maintain the quality of the manuscript.

    Peer review is the major quality maintenance measure for any academic journal. In this process, experts in the relevant fields analyze the scholarly work from every perspective, including its writing, the accuracy of its technical content, its documentation, and its impact on and significance to the discipline. Reviewers play a pivotal role in scholarly publishing, and their valuable opinions certify the quality of the article under consideration. Peer review helps to ratify research, establishing a standard for evaluation within research communities.

    How to peer review

    Peer review is designed to assess the validity, quality and originality of articles for publication. Reviewers play an essential role in validating the research submitted and providing constructive feedback to the editors and authors. You can find more detail about the peer review process here. Alcrut asks that its reviewers evaluate articles based on the requirements of the journal, quality, completeness and accuracy of the research presented. We also ask that reviewers abide by out Peer Reviewer Terms and Conditions to ensure that the process is robust.
    Review Guide-For all articles:
    • In general, is the paper easy to follow and does it have a logical flow?
    • Did the authors make all their data (e.g. sequence reads, code, questionnaires used) available for the readers?
    • Is this paper novel and an advancement of the field, or have other people done very similar work?

    Peer Review Terms and Conditions

    Peer reviewers play a central and critical part in the peer-review process. Alcrut requests that all reviewers adhere to a set of basic principles and standards during the peer-review process in research publication; these are set out below. Please read them carefully before you submit a review, as, by agreeing to be a reviewer for journals from Alcrut, you are acknowledging that you agree to and accept these conditions. These conditions are based on the Committee on Publication Ethics Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers which also provides further information on how to be objective and constructive in your review.

    Conflicts of interest
    During the review process we ask you to declare any potentially conflicting or competing interests (which could be personal, financial, intellectual, professional, political or religious in Alcrut) so that editors can assess these and factor them into their decisions. Please refer any major concerns over potentially competing interests to the editorial office before beginning your review. In addition, you should not agree to review a manuscript just to gain sight of it with no intention of submitting a review.
    Manuscripts submitted to journals are authors’ private, confidential property; reviewers should keep manuscripts and the information they contain strictly confidential. If you do choose to discuss the manuscript and/or your review with a professional colleague whose input you request as part of your review process, you are responsible for ensuring that they are made fully aware of the confidential Alcrut of the discussion and that they must not disclose any information about the manuscript until the article is published. The identity of any co-reviewer and any potential conflicting or competing interests they may have must be disclosed when submitting your review. Reviewers should not retain the manuscript for personal use and should destroy copies after submitting their review.
    If you feel qualified to judge a particular manuscript, you should agree to review only if you are able to return a review within the proposed or mutually agreed time-frame. If you cannot review, it is helpful to make suggestions for alternative reviewers if relevant, based on their expertise and without any influence of personal considerations or any intention of the manuscript receiving a specific outcome.
    Scientific misconduct
    If you have concerns that misconduct occurred during either the research or the writing and submission of the manuscript, or you may notice substantial similarity between the manuscript and a concurrent submission to another journal or a published article; please do let the journal Editor know.
    Appropriate feedback
    As a reviewer you must provide a fair, honest, and unbiased assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the manuscript. For example, be specific in your critique, and provide supporting evidence with appropriate references to substantiate general statements. Be professional and refrain from being hostile or inflammatory and from making libelous or derogatory personal comments. If the work is not clear because of missing analyses, the reviewer should comment and explain what additional analyses would clarify the work submitted. It is not the job of the reviewer to extend the work beyond its current scope.
    Our use of your review With the exception of Alcrut Open access journals from Alcrut do not publish peer reviews. Depending on a journal’s editorial policy, you may be offered the opportunity to make additional confidential comments to the editor. Unless the reviewer has been offered confidentiality, reviews will usually be passed on in full to authors and other reviewers when an editorial decision is made. Reviews should be civil and constructive and editors reserve the right to edit or remove any comments felt to be inappropriate.
    For more information on reviewing for Alcrut Open access, please read their reviewer guidelines. (Alcrut Open aims to provide a service to authors and the research community by making as much research available as possible, provided it meets Alcrut’s high standards of research conduct and ethical procedure and is approved after peer review.)
    Guidance for peer reviewers
    All unpublished manuscripts are confidential documents. If we invite you to review an article and you choose to discuss the manuscript with a colleague, please remind them of the confidential Alcrut of the paper and acknowledge their input in your review. Please also encourage colleagues to register as reviewers. >>Alcrut Open uses an open form of peer review, meaning that authors will know who has reviewed their work. You will also be asked to give your name and position, and any relevant competing interests, in your report on any article we send you. Therefore, please do not make any comments that you do not wish the author to see. If you have any serious concerns about a manuscript from a publication ethics perspective – for example if you believe you have encountered a case of plagiarism – you can contact the editorial office in confidence.
    Restrictions on your use of your review
    We do not restrict the use you make of your review once the manuscript has been published. However, an author’s manuscript remains confidential until it is published, and you must not disclose any information about an unpublished manuscript, including your review of it. Please note that if the article is NOT published you may refer to the journal which requested your review and the fact that you have reviewed an article for it. However, you may not post any details of the article which was reviewed, or any part of the review that would breach the confidentiality under which the article was provided to you for review.
    The peer review process Scholarly Peer review is a very crucial process when processing the manuscript before publication. Alcrut following double blind peer review process: Authors and Reviewers names does not disclosure to each other.
    Peer review process
    This is a basic outline of the process, each journal has its own characteristics and so procedures and policies vary from title to title. If you are unable to find the answer to your question, our editorial team will be on hand to offer assistance throughout the peer review process. Contact details for the editorial team are on the journal’s Help page. You can also check the status of your manuscript at any time by logging into the journal’s submission site.
    1. The Editor (and if appropriate the Associate Editors) will evaluate the manuscript for scope, fit, quality, originality, interest for the readership, etc. It will then be sent out for external peer review or rejected if it does not meet the criteria.
    2. When the required number of reviews have been received (usually two) the Editor(s) will consider the experts’ opinions and make an initial decision to accept, reject, or request a revision.
    3. If the decision is for revision, the author will be given sufficient time to review comments and revise their manuscript.
    4. When submitting the revision, the author must ensure their response and revised manuscript correctly addresses each of the reviewers’ and/or Editors points (Alcrut will require a tracked changes version).
    5. The revised manuscript will be re-evaluated by the original handling editor, who will either make an immediate decision or send the manuscript for further peer review prior to making a decision. Editors may request multiple manuscript revisions.
    While we aim to complete the peer review process as quickly as possible, please bear in mind that reviewers give their time voluntarily. There may be occasions where several reviewers are invited before the required number can be arranged, or when a reviewer fails to deliver a review and the invitation process needs to start again. The average time to first decision is published on each journal’s website.
    Article provenance
    Alcrut is committed to transparency. Every article we publish includes a description of its provenance (commissioned or not commissioned) and whether it was internally or externally peer reviewed. Articles described as ‘internally peer reviewed’ will have been assessed by one or more of the journal’s editors.

    Recognition for reviewers
    Peer review may seem like a thankless task, but without it research would be unreliable. Alcrut values reviewers and wants to encourage good standards of review; here are some of the rewards that we offer:
    • Publon Metrics- Add our published articles to publons for verify, and showcase their peer review and editorial contributions for our academic journals.
    • APC discounts - Reviewers on our pure Open Access journals receive a 25% discount on OA charges if they submit an article as a corresponding author within a year of submitting their review.
    • Certificates for completed reviews are available upon request.
    Become a reviewer
    There are great benefits to becoming a reviewer; including staying up-to-date with the latest literature, advancing your career and establishing your expertise and reputation in the field.If you would like to volunteer to become a reviewer for Alcrut we recommend that you read more about the peer review process, how to review and our Peer Reviewer Terms and Conditions. Peer review may seem like a thankless task, but without it research would be unreliable. Alcrut offer several incentives to reward our reviewers.
    To sign up as reviewer, you can register your details on the submission system,


    Alcrut Journals mandates ORCID iDs for the submitting author at the time of article submission; co-authors and reviewers are strongly encouraged to also connect their Scholar One accounts to ORCID. We strongly believe that the increased use and integration of ORCID iDs will be beneficial for the whole research community.
    Alcrut Publishing accepts various types/formats of scientific articles as listed below:
    Research Article
    A research article is one of the most widely acceptable types of scientific article, as it is based on original research and provides innovative information. There is no word/figure/table/reference limit for a research article. However, in case of lengthy manuscripts, the final decision will rest with the publisher and will be taken on a case by case basis, depending upon the merits of the manuscript. It is mandatory to provide an abstract. The scientific findings reported in the article should be substantiated by well documented experimental details illustrated in Material & Methods section. Results of the study should be validated by established statistical methods. Any form of scientific misconduct in data handling and reporting will not be acceptable.
      Download Research article Format  
    Review Article
    A review article is a written summary, based on the analysis of recent developments on a specific topic. It is a concise report of already known facts that have been discussed in prior publications by other authors. Review articles give an up to date reference of existing literature and discuss the current scenario in that particular domain/technology; however, they do not report any new research/findings/experimental results. There is no word/figure/table/reference limit for a review article; but an abstract is mandatory.
      Download Review article Format  
    Mini Review
    Mini-review is an article that focuses on the recent developments in a particular domain. It provides a conclusive summary of the latest advancements and the current trends in the concerned area of research. The only difference between a review article and a mini-review is the length of the manuscript. Review articles present an elaborative and exhaustive summary of the topic, whereas mini-reviews present all the relevant details in brief. The word limitation for a mini-review is 2000. Only 6 figures/tables and up to 25 references are allowed; however, an abstract is mandatory.
      Download Mini Review Format  
    Short communication
    A short communication basically intends to report a new finding that has never been reported earlier and the primary intention is to be the first author(s) to report it. The only requisite for a short communication is that the research finding being reported should be unique and innovative. It is generally a brief description of any new feature/promising technique/methodology uncovered during an ongoing research. Short communications do not cover in detail, the background information about the scientific/technical problem. The publication process is fast tracked and a short communications is given the highest priority during review, to publish it at the earliest possible. The limitation is of 1500 words, 7-25 references, 4 figures/tables. An abstract is mandatory, for publication.
      Download Short communication Format  
    Case report
    A case report is based on detailed clinical evaluation and medical history of patient(s) and it presents significant, rare/unusual findings observed during clinical practice. A brief presentation of the case, its background and its significance is provided. The report summarizes the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of the medical condition along with any negative findings/side effects/adverse drug reactions. Complete clinical diagnosis should be well documented with relevant proofs of the medical examination including photographs, x-rays, scans and radiological images etc.; but the patient identity should not be revealed. The word limit is of 2500 words, may include 7-30 references, there is no figure/table limit and an abstract is mandatory. Case reports must be prepared in consultation with the HYPERLINK or "Care guidelines for case reports" CARE guidelines.
      Download Case report Format  
    An opinion is a short article that presents the views of the author(s) on an already published topic/article by some other author(s). An opinion will discuss the various attributes/parameters associated with the topic in question. The opinion may be supportive or it may provide a counter-opinion. However, an opinion is always supported by evidence. Review of literature is limited to articles that justify the author’s opinion.
    Opinion articles are editor reviewed and not peer reviewed. The publication eligibility requires a word limit of 1000 words, 2 figures/tables and 10 references.
      Download Opinion Format  
    Letter to Editor
    Letter to editor can be drafted to offer any comment/criticism/evaluation for an article published in any of the journals belonging to the Alcrut Group. However, only scientifically relevant criticism/discussion/ objection will be published. There should be no reference to any unpublished data and any claim/rebuttal should be well substantiated and validated before submission as a ‘letter to editor’. These are editor reviewed and not peer reviewed, with a word limit of 1000 and reference limit of 10.
      Download Letter to Editor Format  
    An editorial could be stated as the “editor’s view or the editor’s note” on the current volume/issue/articles of the particular journal. An editorial can be submitted by those editors who are on the editorial board of Alcrut Group, or by guest authors/editors. The topic must relate to the scope and aims of the journal. The editorial may also be written on any general topic related to the technical field/domain covered by the journal. The word limit is of 1000 words and there is no limit for references.
      Download Editorial Format  
    Special issue submission and acceptance process
    Call for invitation for the special issue will be received throughout the year. Closing date for the special issue will be mentioned in the call for paper itself.
    When submitting for the special issue, the following points should be considered:
    List of contributions including introduction should be provided while submitting the special issue topics. Each submitted article should include Bio-note, Authorship, Detailed abstract focusing on the goals, Methodology, Results and Conclusions for their novel research work. If the reviewer needs any additional information or materials regarding their work, authors are requested to provide the same. Please click on the below link for more details: (provide Author guidelines link here)
    Once the article is accepted for publication, then the author will receive expected publication slots for release of the article in respective journal.
      Download Special Issue Format  

    Abstracting and Indexing

    Alcrut publications appear in a wide range of abstracting and indexing databases. Different journals are listed in different databases. See our dedicated abstracting and indexing page for a detailed breakdown of journals per repository.

    Submit and revise

    You can submit to most Alcrut journals using our online systems. The system you use will depend on the journal to which you submit. You can access the relevant submission system via the "Submit Manuscript" link on the journal homepage of your chosen journal.

    Alternatively, if you have been invited to submit to a journal, follow the instructions provided to you. Once submitted, your paper will be considered by the editor and if it passes initial screening, it will be sent for peer review by experts in your field. If deemed unsuitable for publication in your chosen journal, the editor may suggest you transfer your submission to a more suitable journal, via an article transfer service.

    Peer Review
    Open access

    Track your paper

    Once your paper is accepted for publication, you will receive a reference number and a direct link that lets you follow its publication status via Alcrut’s "Article Tracking System" service.

    Partaking and Promote your paper

    Partaking and promoting your article form vital part of research, in terms of fostering the exchange of scientific information in your field and allowing your paper to contribute to wider scientific progress.

    In addition, bringing your research and accomplishments to the attention of a broader audience also makes you more visible in your field. This helps you to get more citations, enabling you to cultivate a stronger reputation, promote your research and move forward in your career. This page describes how you can share your article responsibly and offers advice to help you promote it widely.

    Editorial Work Flow

    On each successful submission of the manuscript, the author will be acknowledged accordingly. All the manuscripts are subjected to plagiarism check and pre QC Check. Once the manuscript is accepted in pre QC, it will be assigned to one of our most eminent editors of relevant expertise. The editor has the privilege of accepting/rejecting/suggest for revision of the manuscript based on the quality. The editor may also assign the work of reviewing the manuscript to 2-3 reviewers of same expertise. The reviewers have the freedom to accept/reject/suggest for revision of the manuscript based on the quality and novelty of the paper. The articles will be accepted if at least 2 out of 3 (majority) express their acceptance. If any reviewer suggests for revision i.e. major or minor, corresponding author will be notified for the revision (with suggested amendments) towards the publication. If at least 2 out of 3 (majority) suggest to reject the article, it will be rejected and author will be intimated accordingly.

    The revised manuscripts will be cross checked with the reviewer’s comments and published with their acceptance. However the editor’s decision is final in any stage of the editorial process. Articles submitted to other journals, published articles, articles with plagiarism, copied articles without any reference will be strictly rejected. ALCRUT follows fast track 14 days peer review process (*provided all the details are accurate). Full texts and PDF formats of the accepted articles will be made available on line with in 3-5 days of acceptance at Article in press.

    Article Processing Charges

    Alcrut is an open access peer reviewed publisher of Science, technology and engineering. It is the strategy of Alcrut not to appeal for contributions for its operations as grants occasionally fail obliging the association to its discontinued operations. In direction to deliver the standard and quality work to the society we have preferred the model of autonomy through collecting article processing charges for articles published from the author. Authors are requested to make the payment once an article has been reviewed and accepted for publication by an editor.

    Alcrut is a self-reliance organization and does not receive any funding from neither from government nor private sectors. Hence, the management of the journal is exclusively supported by the article processing fees received from authors. We ask that authors, institution, funding agency should pay the article processing charges to facilitate our publication process. Our article processing charges are quite flexible compare to many other emerging publishers and we provide wide range of offers to the authors from the middle income and low-income countries. Authors will be sent an invoice along with the galley proof of the accepted article. Authors can pay the processing charge through the online payment portal by using credit card and or can transfer the APC to the publisher’s account furnished in an invoice as an open access publishers Alcrut do not charge to authors for Manuscript submission fee and we only charge to authors for Article processing Charges